Donated Equipment
The Revelstoke District Health Foundation receives requests for funds from Queen Victoria Hospital or Mount Cartier Court (extended care facility) for equipment or furnishings. These purchases enhance or maintain the services that are offered through the hospital or improve the quality of life of residents at Mount Cartier Court.
2017 Radiothon – NeoBlue Overhead light, jaundice meter and 2x radiometers
The 2017 Radiothon netted just over $14,000 and benefitted the hospital’s maternity ward. A NeoBlue LED phototherapy machine and accompanying accessories was purchased. The light unit emits a blue light and is to help treat new babies suffering from neonatal jaundice. The blue light therapy causes less skin damage and because there is less heat emitted here is less risk of fluid loss and dehydration.
2016 Radiothon – IV Warmer x2, Pediatric Scale+Cart, Epidural Positioner
In 2016, $16,000 was raised at the annual Radiothon. Monies raised were used to purchase three pieces of equipment for Queen Victoria Hospital:
– An epidural positioning system. Helps to position a patient securely and safely during an epidural procedure. Used in the operating room and labor room.
– Digital pediatric scale for use in the maternity ward.
– The IVnow-6 fluid warmer. The warmer quickly warms up to 6 bags of intravenous, irrigation and injection solutions prior to use.
2015 Serenity Rm TV, DVD Player, Microwave
The Serenity Room at Queen Victoria Hospital is maintained by the Revelstoke Hospice Society. A microwave, television and DVD player was purchased by the Health Foundation in 2015 to help create some home comforts.
2015 Radiothon – Hamilton T1 Ventilator
Radiothon monies, $11,000, from 2015 was used to purchase the Hamilton T1 Transport Ventilator provides health personnel the capability to provide optimal ventilation during transport of a patient, neonate or adult, without having access to compressed air. The compact design and 9 hour battery life allows it to accompany the patient during transport whether it is by ambulance, plane or helicopter.