A Giving Tuesday to Remember


The fundraiser for the Carestream DRX-1, the upgrade modification for the hospitals X-ray machine, kicked off on Saturday Nov 27,2021 and finished on “Giving Tuesday” Nov 30,2021. The original concept was to initiate a 4 day online drive to educate the public as to why the Carestream DRX-1 is needed in our community and perhaps obtain some donations and have some nice draw prizes as a way of thanking people for viewing our funding webpage. The Foundation approached the event optimistically thinking that $15,000 would be nice to achieve for the whole fundraiser – to the end of December.

As we were soliciting for prizes from local businesses donations started to roll in. The Revelstoke Rotary Club donated $1,000 and Grizzly Auto Repairs donated a draw prize and a generous cash donation prior to the start of the fundraiser.

The Revelstoke District Health Foundation received 15 draw prizes (over $3,000 value) from local businesses.

Giving **Tuesday Nov 30,2021 end of day total $53,520

** The $53,221 target was passed with donations of $10,000 each from the Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation, Stella Jones Canada Ltd, Downie Timber Ltd./Selkirk and Louisiana-Pacific Canada Limited

Organizations donating: Revelstoke Rotary Club $1,000, Kootenay Lodge #15–Revelstoke Masonic Temple Society $5,000, Revelstoke Chapter #15 – Order of the Eastern Star $1,000

Business donations: Grizzly Auto Repair, Explorers Society Hotel and Pharmasave.

We give our sincere thanks to the many individuals and families who donated so generously and promptly. The Carestream DRX-1 system was purchased in December of 2021 and was in place and being used by February of 2022 – timely for the last half of the ski season. We are truly humbled with your support and believing in the project.

A Giving Tuesday to Remember