Mount Cartier Court Audio Visual Equipment Purchase

For many years care providers at long term care facilities realized the importance for residents to have connections to the community outside of the facility. The move of a person into a long-term care facility often means loss or significant reduction in the amount of socialization. The covid pandemic had a detrimental effect on the ability of persons at Mount Cartier Court to have visitors or being very limited. This played out very negatively to populations who live in facilities.
One means of minimizing social isolation was to provide residents with virtual visits with family, live Revelstoke Museum presentations, church services, school children programs and performances/interaction with local musicians. This was done by means of projecting to a large screen (for ease of viewing) and amplified sound through external speakers. Mount Cartier Court had one complete set – which was shared. The pandemic affected programming in that each of the three wings needed to be segregated. The cost to purchase two more sets of equipment was $4,200. An application was submitted to the Revelstoke Credit Union’s Community Giving program in March of 2021.
Later that spring of 2021, we were notified that our application was successful in receiving the full amount of $4,200. The folks at Mount Cartier Court were ecstatic with this announcement. The timing could not have been better given the extended restriction on visitors well into 2022. The Health Foundation would like to recognize the Revelstoke Credit Union for their generosity and their caring gesture for the most vulnerable people in our community. Our most heartfelt thank you!